Sky Yeager
Shamanic Practitioner - Usui Reiki Master - MariEL Reiki Medicine
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You can now listen to a podcast recording of my latest article below And find more episodes on Spotify |
Synchronicity is one of the ways Spirit lets you know they are working with you bigtime. Many of us called to the shamanic or other direct spiritual practice naturally have one foot in Ordinary reality and one foot in Non-ordinary reality. We have learned how to switch back and forth depending on the situation and environment. But if you must operate in Ordinary reality most of the day handling more left brain things like a regular type day job, interacting with the public, driving – Spirit does find a way to connect you to Non-ordinary reality with moments of synchronicity.
Last week I was working on my computer and listening to Spotify and the exact moment I clicked on a word on my screen, I heard that word in the song I was listening to, and it wasn’t even in my playlist. It was random. That feeling came over me like I had slipped into a non-ordinary state. But my logical mind was on it before I could tell it to just relax and go with the feeling. I paused the music, then replayed it to make sure that was really the word I heard. Yep. Then the giddiness and glow washed over me as I felt that Universe and all my guides and Source just took my hand for a brief moment, reminding me they are right here with me, right now. Yesterday I had an energy work session with a friend, and while she was working on my heart chakra, I had a vision - a greenhouse full of roses. We talked a lot about relationships and heart healing during the session. When I left and got in the car and turned on the radio, there was a song on about roses. Sitting up and taking note now. This happens a lot with me with music. And I don’t even listen to music all that much anymore, coming to appreciate silence for what it is. And lately when I do listen to music, it has been mostly kirtan, and it’s mostly in Sanskrit! So Spirit has to take the opportunity when it comes up to give me these synchronicity moments when they know I am paying attention. When this first happened to me years ago I was stuck on figuring what it meant. I was sure it had some deeper specific meaning. As years have gone by and my relationship with Spirit has deepened, I know that there are times when the messages are literal, and times when they are more general. But when they come in clusters like this, I know that something big is on the horizon, a personal breakthrough or major change of perception. I shift into being extra aware of my felt sense, paying attention. Then I can receive the message with both neutrality and gratitude. And a little bit of giddiness.
1 Comment
It's always a blessing when we get those messages both big and small of synchronicity! Paying attention to them is often all that is required. Sometimes, however, they are a call to action and engagement and a sign the universe is asking us to help manifest something special. Kudos to you for being present, paying attention and recognizing spirit's call Sky!
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All are so many kindred spirits doing the work out there. I include these links to help our community connect with one another.
FAIRY CONGRESS - Offers a summer weekend gathering in person with workshops, circles and of course faeries and nature beings! They also offer a winter virtual weekend with amazing guest speakers like Orion Foxwood, David Spangler and R.J. Stewart. I highly recommend joining the online network to participate in monthly workshops, circles, and book clubs. SACRED HOOP Magazine Guide to Shamanism Compilation- Owner Valeria Pearson lovingly created SOLE TO SOUL YOGA studio with a community focus. There are classes for all levels and events that lift the spirit. I am grateful to be able to hold circles and events in her studio. My friend and herbalist mentor, LAWRENCE BIRCH is a Certified Clinical Herbalist, plant whisperer and shamanic practitioner. If you need custom tincture blends or are interested in a wildcrafting apprenticeship, he is the teacher extraordinaire: ROGER WHEELOCK and GAYLE RUTH are shamanic practitioners and teachers in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition in Asheville NC. I am grateful to be able to take part in ceremony with them, and to support their love for the Peruvian people through the World Ayni Association. Gayle has a beautiful practice of helping others through the art of despacho ceremony which you can find out more and book here Roger has a shamanic practice NEW WORLD KIRTAN = Kitzie's podcasts include interviews with artists and kirtan music. I love attending her weekly Satsang group and the New World Kirtan Band concerts - NOTE!
None of the writing on this website was generated by AI and are all my original thoughts except what what I have included as references from others.
All articles and posts are copyrighted by me, Sky Yeager. |
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